Over the past 20 years, Kawai has received over 50 major international awards for product and service excellence. Our famed acoustic upright pianos are an integral part of that legacy having won four MMR Magazine “Acoustic Piano Line of the Year” awards over the years. For home, school or professional studio, there is a Kawai upright piano that will inspire you.
Not the result of mere assembly, every element of a Kawai upright piano is crafted with meticulous skill and care. Our artisans begin with the finest materials and create each instrument with a harmonious blend of award-winning technology and old-world craftsmanship. The result embodies the passionate quest for excellence that has characterized three generations of Kawai family leadership.
A half-century ago, Kawai realized that the prime cause of piano problems was the use of wood in all parts of the piano’s internal action. Wooden parts would shrink, swell and warp — which negatively affected both touch and tone. To prevent such problems, Kawai pioneered the use of modern composite parts that are virtually impervious to the shrinking, swelling and warpage issues that cause piano performance to decline. The renowned Kawai Millennium III Upright Action with composite parts is the chief reason why K Series Professional Uprights maintain exceptional tone and touch over time — and why they are continually counted among the world’s finest upright pianos.